Assurance Team

Financial Litereacy Services

Financial Literacy - "Who We Are"

This is what gets us up in the morning -
...41% of all first time marriages end in divorce
and we want to do something about it!

We are in Business to Fight to:
  • Free FAMILIES from the Doubt and Discouragement that comes from excessive Debt.
  • Free FAMILIES from Arguments over money
  • Free FAMILIES from ignorance regarding addictions
  • Teach PEOPLE to take on the Thoughts of a winner because winners find ways to win
  • Lead PEOPLE to truth

  • We teach the "Success Principles" of Self-Reliance, Financial Literacy, and Personal Leadership

    Our Qualifications

    Why we feel like we can coach others in these areas...

    I. Training:
  • Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Education
  • Master's Degree in Computer Science
  • Held several financial licenses for over a decade (Life/Health, Series 6 and 63)

  • II. Experience:
  • Public Classroom Teacher - learned how to help people to understand
  • College Teacher - honed my teaching skills
  • More than a decade working in the financial fields, where we learned
  • How money "really" works and
  • What we weren't being told
  • 3 years as a Mortgage Officer - got a good look behind that curtain
  • Bought, sold, built, or owned over a dozen homes - an education all its own

  • III. Resources:
    Along the journey described above, we discovered an organization that had developed products programs and services that fit with our goals. We call them our' Weapons of Mass Construction' and use their programs of instuction to help our clients to succeed.
  • LIFE Leadership
  • Founded Nov 1 2011
  • Over a half billion dollars in revenue
  • No Corporate Debt

  • Additional Materials

    Some important things that we have learned along our journey and now teach to others:
  • Failure and success are Mental, Dive Deeper
  • It's less about what you do or don't do than it is about how and what you think!!!
  • Don't confuse Setbacks with Failure, Dive Deeper
  • EPR - Encourage, Praise, Recognize
  • Quitting is typically a permanent resolution to what is usually a temporary problem,
  • which then can make it a permanent problem. Dive Deeper
  • You probably don't have a time or money problem, but rather have an INFORMATION problem! Dive Deeper
  • Individuals, 70 and over, with at least $1M in assets, average 10.8% on their investments,
  • while those with less money usually only get 3.7% on theirs - why is that? (Boston College Center on Wealth and Philanthropy)
  • Truth is the best mind altering drug on the market
  • Credit Scores are only important to people who don't have much in savings
  • The 3 D’s are Debt, Doubt, and Discouragement, Dive Deeper
  • Don't give up what you want the MOST for what you want NOW! Dive Deeper
  • Some people have been so badly fooled by the system that they don't realize that
  • their mortgage(s) and car loan(s) are debt

    Additional Information

    Your Assurance Team/Science of Success: Where real Success is the only measure of Success!
    Better Information -> Better Thinking -> Better Results!!!
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